Friday, April 20, 2007

What a week!

I'm not even gong to touch the practical upshot of the Virginia Shootings. Enough people doing that already.

Instead, the video player announcements at NAB!

(Wow! That's an overblown hyperlink!!)

On to the RTNDA address at NAB, starring a host of online luminaries. Comments and video follow.

From Steve Bryant at Reel Pop, the question of our time - do we still need a laugh track?

And to finish off the week, a story that I found quite pressing on my view of the world.

"When President Bush ordered troops to Iraq, he probably never imagined that he would be ultimately be responsible for what very well could be the very first D&D convention/game day ever held in a war zone. Ziggurat Con, being held June 9 from 1200 to 2100 hours at Camp Adder/Tallil Airbase, is open to all allied military personnel and civilian contractors in Iraq."

I always felt that one of the things D&D/RPG players were undergoing when they played was a sense of wish fulfillment, i.e. a chance to imagine themselves in dangerous and exotic locations performing feats of daring do for noble causes.

What the hell do a bunch of soldiers in Iraq fighting in the War on Terror need any more of that for? A rethink is in order.

(BTW, try and tear your eyes away from that damned LJ avatar on the top right of the page. Where you been all our lives, boy? Who woulda thunk of it?)

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