Sunday, December 26, 2004


If I didn't know it before, it's been confirmed just how much my wife Ellen loves me! I scored the Star Wars Original Trilogy box set and a copy of Star Wars Monopoly. I mean, how cool is that! Only in this game is it possible for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader to share a jail cell, for a Tuskan Raider to earn rent on Coruscant and for a couple of spaceports to be built on Dagobah; one at Yoda's cave and the other on the swamp. Not to mention the fact that every time Ellen landed on Hoth she kept singing "Echo Base, far away in time. Echo Base, far away in time..." Priceless stuff.

Other items from the family included a desk organiser and stationery set to help fill out my new desk (courtesy of my recently acquired job), and some cash to be used for various purposes. Given the above-mentioned job I already have permission to scout for a Digital Set-top Box so we can keep an eye on the product I'll be creating. If it's affordable, I may even be able to swing for one with a built in hard drive recorder.

Best of all, I got to fire of a bit of holiday video courtesy of the new camera. I might edit up a bit and post it for my brother and sister-in-law over in London.

Hope your Christmas was a good one.

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