Thursday, September 07, 2006

More drama at the ABC | The Australian

Amanda Meade's media diary for this week mentions a few issues, but the one that's grabbed my attention sits tucked at the bottom of the page. I'd almost given up reading about appointments at The Bulletin and who's going to write for Vogue when this popped up.

Aunty's news crunch

THE ABC's state news directors have been told that their department overspent last year by $1 million. As a result some states face staff cuts, and travel budgets and phone calls will have to be trimmed. Managers were told the recent federal budget gave the ABC more money but tied it to other projects and departments, namely drama. Staff were also told the ABC can no longer afford annual pay rises and some states will lose some positions. A job in TV news recently advertised in Media was axed 10 days after the applications closed.

I just want to put this here because I fear it's going to be even bigger down the track.

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