Thursday, November 04, 2004

The U.S. Election

Well, it's all over bar the legal challenge and it looks like the world will be graced with the presence of George Dubbya for another four years. I so much want to say something about it, but I fear I'll put out my American friends who occasionally visit here from various forums I attend.

One of the main reasons I started this blog was a result of the recent victory by the Howard Liberal Party government in Australia's recent federal election. I was so angry and dissapointed after the result I felt I needed somewhere to vent. I feel kind of the same way now, which some Americans may find surprising seeing as how the election result doesn't affect me personally.

The problem is, in a way it does, like it affects just about every person on the planet at the moment. America has an incredible role in the world today, one that I don't think a lot of Americans fully understand. In my opinion it's one of the major reasons many people of the world dislike Americans. I'm not talking about militant Iranians or North Koreans, but those that otherwise would stand as allies with the U.S. We see the incredible power that country holds, based on such wonderful principles of justice, democracy and the rights of mankind, then we are faced with an image of Americans as insular, self-serving and greedy. The thing is, I know it's not true. The Americans I've met personally have been some of the warmest and friendliest people it's been my privelege to know. We just feel frustrated to see a nation with so much power, and the power to do so much good with it, seemingly ignoring it.

I'm not talking about the Iraq conflict, although I have my opinions on that as well. Yet I find it annoying when countries bitch and moan when the U.S. takes matters into their own hands, then complain when they want the U.S. to step in and fix some conflict that matters to them. I'm talking more about a capacity to share the good fortune they have, not through the barrel of a gun but rather through the power of the message of Freedom, even within their own country.

Suffice it to say that I'm disappointed, but I'll say no more. I know how much I dislike non-Australians making comments about my country and government even though I've found precious few areas I agree with the government on. I'm sure the last thing any American wants today, whether they voted for Bush or Kerry, is someone from the other side of the world, with only half the facts, making comments.

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