Friday, November 26, 2004


For those of you clever enough to use the Firefox browser by Mozilla I hope you've been checking out the new Extensions recently. I just came across a great one called WeatherFox by Richard Klein and Jon Stritar. WeatherFox sits in your status bar and gives you constant updates on the current weather as well as outlooks for as many days as you see fit to ask for. It's fully customisable, as compact or noticable as you feel like and constantly updates weather whenever anything changes. Definitely become my new favourite extension, although I sadly miss the old Googlebar extension.

To get WeatherFox just click on "menu/tools/extensions." In the Extensions window click on "Get more extensions." That will take you to the extensions page. You can't miss WeatherFox. It's the one currently sitting at the top of the "Top Rated" list.

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