Thursday, December 07, 2006

TV Advertising - Back to the beginning?

"On Monday Night NBC Nightly News aired just one minute and thirty seconds of commercials for the entire newscast, sponsored solely by Philips. The rest of the time: Extra coverage.

What's this have to do with online video? Muchas muchas. As advertisers flock to online, their chosen destinations are sites like YouTube, videobloggers like Ze Frank and Galacticast, and news shows like Rocketboom. And what models are those sites and shows choosing? Single advertiser sponsorships."

Absolutely, and it's something that's been suggested for a while. Of course, the length of the ad should be relative to the length of the content. There's nothing worse than heading over to the NBA video section and catching a 1 minute ad for their Fantasy League at the head of a 2 minute overview of a game.

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